Thursday 3 March 2011

Today we did a lesson on lighting and how to set it up. We went through target direct lighting, omni lighting, skylight lighting and a few others. We learnt how if the lighting is done correct it can turn an amateur scene in to a professional looking scene. 

We learnt various techniques that we will need to use when we move onto environments or when we decide to light our room and see where the best place is to put them.

I also got another model done today. I decided to model a tyre. Some of the techniques I used to make the tyre was used from a tutorial from here ''.

This tutorial helped me out quite a lot and also taught me some techniques in 3ds max that I didn't know. 

I also found it quite hard today to stay up with the workload in the rest of the class. I think one of my main weaknesses of today was just getting distracted but once I got on with it and did it I progressed quite a bit.

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