Thursday 3 March 2011

Evaluating my product

What I enjoyed

I enjoyed learning about different techniques when I was creating my models. I also enjoyed the whole challenge of learning 3D from scratch to creating 10 models and putting them into a scene and putting simple lighting in it.

The model I enjoyed modelling most had to be the wall clock. It took me quite some time but I am very pleased with the outcome because I know the effort I put in paid off.

What I didn't enjoy

I didn't enjoy doing the lighting that much. This is because it got annoying when I couldn't get it right and try and get the lighting effect I wanted.

Any improvments

If I could improve on my room it would be to make the models more detailed and more professional. I would also like to spend more time on my lighting and try and correct that so it would of look better.
Compared to professional standards

These are some models that I created, wanted to put in my scene and had ideas for.

The main model on there that I wanted the most was a car jack. I didn't have the skills required to do a full complete car jack and got quite annoyed at my self for not learning these skills.

My models compared to these professional models are a lot less of quality. The professional models have more detail to them and have detailed textures on them to make them look better.

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