Thursday 17 March 2011

Finally some actual texturing.

So after I finally got all my modelling done it was time to do some textruing.

The first thing I actually textured was a toolbox using UVW mapping. Here is a picture of it.

The process in that this was done was I went and took some photos of the toolbox. Created just a basic box object and then opened the pictueres in Adobe Photoshop. I then messed around with the perspective to get it looking right and then placed them on the box with UVW mapping.

Here is a picture of the UVW map once I finished with it.

I found UVW mapping to be quite tedious and time consuming. It is annoying that's for one. But I also enjoyed it due to it been a challenge and something that I didn't fully know how to do until I got my head around it.

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