Thursday 17 March 2011

Finally some actual texturing.

So after I finally got all my modelling done it was time to do some textruing.

The first thing I actually textured was a toolbox using UVW mapping. Here is a picture of it.

The process in that this was done was I went and took some photos of the toolbox. Created just a basic box object and then opened the pictueres in Adobe Photoshop. I then messed around with the perspective to get it looking right and then placed them on the box with UVW mapping.

Here is a picture of the UVW map once I finished with it.

I found UVW mapping to be quite tedious and time consuming. It is annoying that's for one. But I also enjoyed it due to it been a challenge and something that I didn't fully know how to do until I got my head around it.

Friday 11 March 2011

Texture Problem

Today while I was texturing my room. I had a problem where I couldn't get rid of a white line. It was annoying me and I tried various solutions to the problem and to no avail I was about to give up with it.

This is what the problem looked like.

I then finally fixed the problem by reducing the outer shell to 0.14 just big enough to stay outside the room but close enough so the textures connect.

Here is the corrected problem.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Evaluating my product

What I enjoyed

I enjoyed learning about different techniques when I was creating my models. I also enjoyed the whole challenge of learning 3D from scratch to creating 10 models and putting them into a scene and putting simple lighting in it.

The model I enjoyed modelling most had to be the wall clock. It took me quite some time but I am very pleased with the outcome because I know the effort I put in paid off.

What I didn't enjoy

I didn't enjoy doing the lighting that much. This is because it got annoying when I couldn't get it right and try and get the lighting effect I wanted.

Any improvments

If I could improve on my room it would be to make the models more detailed and more professional. I would also like to spend more time on my lighting and try and correct that so it would of look better.
Compared to professional standards

These are some models that I created, wanted to put in my scene and had ideas for.

The main model on there that I wanted the most was a car jack. I didn't have the skills required to do a full complete car jack and got quite annoyed at my self for not learning these skills.

My models compared to these professional models are a lot less of quality. The professional models have more detail to them and have detailed textures on them to make them look better.
For my final day I got together all of my models and started to make them into a scene what resembled an auto garage. It was a bit tricky at first making the layout of the scene because I forgot how to attach two squares and it took me another ten minutes to try and remember how.

But when I did remember how I created my layout, assembled all of my objects into the places where I wanted them and added simple lighting just to give it some effect.

In the overall outcome of my scene I am very pleased with my models.
Today I did some research into the type of lighting I want in my scene and the type of textures I want my objects textured with. I found some suitable examples of the lighting I want and the textures and stuck them into my sketchbook and annotated them.

I created my last 3 objects today, which was a wall clock, stand for the car and a desk. 

I thought modelling the objects was quite easy because I am used to 3DS max now. There were a few problems that arose when I was modelling the clock though. One of the main ones was when I wanted to chamfer a certain edge it wouldn't let me and it wouldn't come up with the segments option in the chamfer menu no matter what I did.

The way I got around this problem was I used the move tool instead of chamfer to give it a slight curve but not as much as I wanted.

What I enjoyed most about today was modelling my clock. It was the most challenging model I have had to create out of all of them. So it took me just over 3 hours to complete the clock but I am very pleased with the outcome of today's work.
Today we did a lesson on lighting and how to set it up. We went through target direct lighting, omni lighting, skylight lighting and a few others. We learnt how if the lighting is done correct it can turn an amateur scene in to a professional looking scene. 

We learnt various techniques that we will need to use when we move onto environments or when we decide to light our room and see where the best place is to put them.

I also got another model done today. I decided to model a tyre. Some of the techniques I used to make the tyre was used from a tutorial from here ''.

This tutorial helped me out quite a lot and also taught me some techniques in 3ds max that I didn't know. 

I also found it quite hard today to stay up with the workload in the rest of the class. I think one of my main weaknesses of today was just getting distracted but once I got on with it and did it I progressed quite a bit.
The progress I have made today has been quite slow but I did get quite a lot done. I got two more models done that will go in my overall scene. 

The first model that I got completed was a chest of drawers that will go in one of the corners of my room. 

I found modelling this chest of drawers quite easy and found the more that I worked with the model the easier it got to start adding detail to it such as handle knobs to the draws them selves and I even left one draw out like someone used it.

The second model I did today was a hammer. I didn't quite have the skills to do a full hammer so I did my best with the skills I had. I am quite pleased with the result that I came out with by the end of it.