Friday 19 November 2010

With todays work I am starting to model my room and the first thing I have started moddeling is a toolbox. I have been absent for two week and I have missed quite  lot of work. I have been reminding my self on how to use 3DS Max by creating different models and different things.

The next thing I plan to make is a car jack so it can go in my mechanical garage that I am making.

Friday 5 November 2010


I have made some progress with my Repair Garage up to now. I have done some research in my sketchbook and with current rate that I am going at I feel that I could do this project pretty quickly and in a good enough fashion to acheive a merit or a distinction.

I feel I have made progress with my research and my concept of a mechanical garage has slightly changed from what I had in mind.

Friday 8 October 2010

This blog is going to contain my 3D work

  • Quality Of Work 
  • What I have learned today? 
  • Performance of today? 
  • Project progress/status
  • Jobs Done
  • Jobs To Do
  • Strength/Weakness
  • How am I finding it?